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Traktor Slow preferences Window

This section is all about the slow preferences window.\ I've been able to reduce this from 18 seconds to only 3 seconds.

Update on version 3.6

UPDATE: Latest 3.6 seems to have fixed this issue.

See at 11 seconds of this video how quickly Stevan Djumic swaps between pages:

Why MIDI mappings makes the preferences window slow

Traktor has thousands of useless "MidiDefinition structures" for every possible midi combination that COULD be used.\ This set is much much larger than the entries that are actually used.

Worse, these entries are replicated in every single "empty page".

In practice this makes the preferences window very slow. For example Pioneer DDJ-SZ mapping take 18 seconds to load. A second sign is that it makes the TSI file much larger.

The CMDR editor removes this overhead (see line 337 of this file).\ However Traktor still recreates these entries per page anyway.

How slow does the preferences window get?

Having many midi pages makes the preferences window slow.

The biggest offender is the Pioneer mappings for the SX2 and SZ controllers. They have 14 pages, so it takes >18 seconds for it to load in my laptop.

My mappings are have more functions, but only take ~5 seconds to load because I only use 5 pages.

On my next version I managed to go to 3 pages, for a ~3 second delay.

Version Pages Delay (s) Entries (K) Size (Mb) Optimized (Mb)
Pionner v1.0.0 14 18.4 9.3 10.9 2.7
DJ Estrela v6.7.0 5 5.2 9.7 5.7 2.8
DJ Estrela v7.1.0 2 2.5 10.0 4.4 2.7

Table Source

Could we just move all entries to a single page?

No. Any complex behavior needs state variables, and each page only has 8 variables per page.

When you run out of variables the simplest action is to add a new page.

My mappings are much faster than the Pioneer ones because I specifically shared variables, and I moved functionality to BOME.

How to swap Traktor configurations without the slow preferences window

This script lets you swap between two traktor configurations easily.

This is useful when you sometimes use a controller as your audio device, but other times use your internal sound card. This saves you to having to open the preferences window to change the audio device, which is very slow when you have large mappings.

Script installation: * save this script in your desktop with "right-click"/"save-as" * make the script executable with 'chmod +x ' * redefine the 'traktor_root_folder' variable to your documents traktor root * run it once to copy the first config

First time setup: * Open Traktor * change the config to DDJ-1000 * close traktor * run script * open traktor * change config to internal soundcard * close traktor

To Activate configuration #1: * run the script * open traktor * confirm the audio card is ddj-1000 * Close taktor

To Activate configuration #2: * run the script * open traktor * confirm the audio card is Internal Soundcard * Close taktor